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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dinner at Mr. Tong Yam inside Sunway Giza!

Tuesday nite i took my dinner wif my bro & his fren at Mr. Tong Yam restaurant.erm...the main course is a bit exp but it's juz like the price in Secret Recipe la...all dishes nid RM1+,even a soft drink nid RM5 jor~ XP so i shared a mocha ice-blended which cost Rm10 wif my bro...i ordered its signature pineapple fried!tis is the 1st time i c a pineapple fried rice really served with a whole cut pineapple as a bowl! hahaha XD inside tis fried rice is oso has cashews...oh...i cashew! & its chicken oso cooked well and taste good!so tis dish 4 me, is really gud!my bro ordered phad thai was delicious...i haven tried a dish tat taste like tat b4,i hoped i can order it nex time... ^^

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